Key Reminders For Your Twin Flame Journey

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Embarking on the transformative odyssey of a Twin Flame journey requires more than just understanding; it beckons a profound commitment to self-discovery and growth. In “Key Reminders for Your Twin Flame Journey,” we delve into a collection of insights curated through the impactful practice of the mirror exercise, teachings of union, and personal revelations.

These reminders serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path toward harmony, self-love, and the unique dynamics that define the sacred connection between Twin Flames. Each point resonates with the essence of unity and draws from a wealth of collective wisdom, providing you with a compass for navigating the intricacies of your own extraordinary journey.

Key Reminders

  • Take responsibility for your feelings.
  • Never take any emotional upset personally. The essence lies in perceiving the entire world as your reflection, with your Twin Flame embodying the ultimate mirror. That’s why it triggers a lot.
  • Recognize that whatever your Twin Flame mirrors reflects your own blocks within your own consciousness; therefore, have a compassion to both them and yourself. They are adeptly fulfilling their role on your Ascension path.
  • Whenever you take responsibility for your feelings and brings love through the mirror exercise at that place, your Twin Flame will reflect with the same love, as both of you share a common consciousness
  • Avoid pointing fingers at your Twin Flame for the aspects they mirror; it resembles blaming them for your own personal upsets. Instead, engage in the mirror exercise and simply bring love into that space.
  • Your Twin Flame is not your source.
  • God is the sole source for all your needs, and only God has the capacity to fulfill them.
  • As God created you, He extended Himself into us, rendering us inseparable from God.
  • Therefore, as you love yourself, you love God, and reciprocally, when you love God, you love yourself.
  • Your Twin Flame is the manifestation of your relationship with God, a precious gift bestowed upon you by the divine.
  • Self-love requires God.
  • God is awareness… my awareness… my experience…!
  • How to stay connected with God? By feeling our own feelings. What are feelings? Feeling is the connection between you and your source, and who is your source? The God, and where is He? The Within. To stay connected with God, embrace your own feelings. Feelings serve as the conduit linking you to your source. Your source is God, and where is He? Within you.
  • You are already in union; you are simply aligning with it by addressing and healing the blocks that falsely suggest otherwise.
  • Remember, every time you receive blessings from God, reflect on how you obtained them: by loving yourself, surrendering to God with faith and trust. You can attract more by permitting greater love for yourself.
  • Treasure the moments with your Twin Flame, reflecting on how you attained them. These precious moments are a gift from God, granted when you embraced self-love and placed your trust in Him.
  • It’s all about surrendering to the process.
  • To embrace your Twin Flame journey fully, you must release old patterns and thoughts regarding conventional relationships. It requires unlearning many things and being open to new lessons. Permit God to reveal the essence of pure love and guide you on receiving love. Trust in the unfolding of your story by God, as the details remain unknown to you; let Him unfurl the narrative.
  • Never compare your Twin Flame journey to conventional soulmate relationships.
  • Remember the order: God, You, Your Twin Flame, then everybody else.

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