
Understanding Twin Flame Journey: Powerful Steps to a Transformative Self-Discovery

Understanding the Profound Connection: Twin Flames and Self

It's about your choice to be with twin flame or not, moreover, if you mirror this it will be it's about my choice to be with myself or not. Remember that you and your twin flame are one. Whatever choices you make are key factors for being in union or falling away from union with your twin flame. Take time to notice whether your choices about your twin flame are loving or not. Are they from a place of love or not?

Explore the latest articles on Twin Flames and deepen your understanding of this  topic.

The role of the twin flame is to reflect the blocks within you, blocks to love, blocks to divine self, that’s why they are your ultimate teacher first. You always have the choice to fall into the trap of crazy, insane, stupid twin flame or to choose to go within for whatever your twin flame is showing you right now. 

As a twin flame you always choose as one, So you have the power to command any situation, ANY SITUATION, by going within and resolving within with the help of mirror exercise, resolving with love and peace instead of giving your power to insanity.


The Essence of Conscious Choices: Love as the Guiding Force

At times, it may feel as though your twin flame is not choosing you, and that you are the one solely engaged in the spiritual work and efforts. However, the twin flame journey often resembles a path of purification. As you deepen your connection with love and the divine, any unresolved feelings that are not in alignment with love will surface for healing. 

Furthermore, if it seems that your twin flame is not choosing you, it may indicate an aspect within yourself that is not fully embracing or prioritizing your well-being. This journey reflects the importance of self-acceptance and self-love. The twin flame journey involves a unique dynamic in which the twin flame acts as a divine mirror, reflecting any misaligned beliefs and patterns that may exist within you. 

It is important to understand that your twin flame does not cause negative feelings; rather, these feelings are already present within you and are coming to the surface for healing and resolution. You have the option to either allow external circumstances to influence your emotions and assign blame to your twin flame or to take responsibility for your feelings and address them through the mirror exercise. 

Ultimately, you have the power to choose your path toward union and to align yourself with it. By making a conscious choice and dedicating yourself to spiritual growth with love and integrity, your twin flame will likely reciprocate, as you are inherently connected.

Your Twin Flame pushing you away is only an opportunity for you to go deeper in loving who you are at your core, and not to control how you appear or are to your Twin Flame. Controlling how you appear or are creates blocks to intimacy with your Twin Flame because you are blocking being intimate with yourself.

Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,Book by Jeff Divine and Shaleia Divine

Jeff Divine and Shaleia Divine

Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,

It is important to recognize that having a choice does not imply that you should attempt to control the circumstances surrounding you or your twin flame, nor should you strive to shape your twin flame according to your expectations. Rather, the focus should be on selecting the options that resonate with your inner peace, love, and spiritual alignment. From that standpoint, it is essential to surrender to a higher power, trusting that whatever you desire or seek will be provided to you, as that source is your ultimate provider. I have observed many times whenever I do heal with mirror exercise, that whatever the block twin flame was reflecting is always within you somewhere which you need to attend compassionately and lovingly, unconditionally.

The Epiphany: Recognizing Misplaced Responsibility


Today I had a session with my coach, during which I was able to recognize that I was taking responsibility for my twin flame’s actions. I perceived a misalignment, thinking that my twin flame was reflecting something within me. I mistakenly believed that I was accountable for the entirety of our situation. However, my coach helped me to understand that I was trying to do God’s role by attempting to control my healing based on my twin flame as a benchmark. My coach emphasized that my twin flame should not serve as the benchmark; rather, the peace and love within myself, along with my alignment with the divine, should be my focus. 

The Purpose of the Twin Flame Connection: A Path Back to the Divine

By placing undue importance on my twin flame as the benchmark, I was disrupting the proper order: God first, then myself, and then my twin flame. Ultimately, the purpose of a twin flame is to guide us back to a connection with the divine. At its core, the twin flame journey is about more than just union with another person; it is about the journey back to your divine essence. Your twin flame serves as a catalyst, reflecting to you the areas where you are not fully aligned with divine love. However, this reflection is not meant to be a tool for self-judgment or control; rather, it is a guidepost on your path to deeper spiritual awakening.

By recognizing that your twin flame’s purpose is to guide you back to your connection with the divine, you free yourself from the burden of trying to control the journey. The twin flame connection becomes a sacred mirror, showing you where you need to heal, grow, and align with your true self. But it is not the entirety of your spiritual journey; it is a part of the larger tapestry of your soul’s evolution.

The Essence of Self-Love: Discovering the Source Within

I would like to express my reflections regarding my feelings towards my twin flame. I have come to understand that embracing self-love is essential and that my twin flame and I are intrinsically connected — we are, in essence, one. 

The love I sought externally has always resided within me. This realization has highlighted that the desire for external affection often stems from an unfulfilled sense of self. It is important to recognize that true love comes not from external sources, but from a deeper connection with oneself and with the divine. Furthermore, I have come to realize that attachment should not be equated with authentic love; rather, it often arises from feelings of fear and lack. This understanding sheds light on the common inclination to pursue love. 

However, in the framework of twin flames, such behaviors are unnecessary, as we are fundamentally connected. This connection alleviates the need for pursuit, fear, or seeking love externally. By embracing and committing to love in its purest form, we can attract and manifest our deepest desires.

I have recently gained valuable insights into my relationship with my twin flame. I have come to understand that I was trying to regulate our communication, which I now realize is an attempt at control rather than fostering a natural connection. This behavior made me aware that I was overstepping my boundaries and assuming a role that is not mine but which is God’s role.

It’s not your job to make your Twin Flame want you, it’s Gods. Go to God and He will take care of your Twin Flame Union. — Twin Flame Ascension School

Twin Flame AI ART

Embracing Divine Order: Surrendering Control and Trusting the Process

It became clear to me that my efforts to initiate communication stemmed from a place of wanting to receive love, which ultimately reflected a lack of self-love. Instead of fully surrendering to a God, I was trying to manipulate the situation according to my expectations. However, I have come to understand that when one attempts to assume God’s responsibilities it often leads to feelings of burden and overwhelm.

It is important to remember that our primary responsibility is to prioritize self-love and cultivate a sense of inner peace. If you encounter feelings of discomfort, the mirror exercise is a valuable tool for healing. However, attempting to exert control over situations based on personal expectations may lead to stress and dissatisfaction.

It is important to emphasize that compassion plays a vital role during the healing process. Practicing self-compassion is essential, as love can guide us on this journey.  It is important to approach this experience with kindness towards oneself, particularly during the mirror exercise, which encourages appreciation for the aspects of ourselves that may feel vulnerable. Instead of being overly critical, acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of the process, and the objective is to embrace and nurture those feelings with love, rather than criticism.

Conclusion: The Transformative Power of Reflection in the Twin Flame Journey


By embracing self-love, recognizing the difference between attachment and authentic love, and surrendering control, you are aligning yourself with the divine order that governs the twin flame journey.

This journey is not just about union with another soul; it is about union with the divine and the realization of your true self. As you continue to explore these insights and apply them to your life, you will find that your twin flame connection deepens in ways that are both meaningful and transformative.

Remember, the twin flame journey is a sacred path that requires patience, trust, and unwavering commitment to your spiritual evolution. By prioritizing your connection with the divine and cultivating inner peace, you create the reality necessary for a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your twin flame — one that is grounded in love, respect, and mutual growth.

I feel complete with today’s article. As I mentioned in my previous blog, we will now include a prayer at the end of each article. It is time for us to begin our prayer.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. — Matthew 6:34

Jesus ,although You were equal to your father, You humbled Yourself and accepted death on the cross. And You did all of that for the joy set before You — the joy of honoring Your father and saving your friends. Thank you for illustrating what true love looks like. Today ,align my will with yours.In Your name, Amen

Explore the blogs that may inspire and enrich your spiritual journey as you navigate the path toward your Twin Flame Journey Additional reading:


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